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Tintype of Mr. LaVallee

Here is a tintype image of Roland LaVallee that was taken in the summer of 2021. Artist John DiMartino spent several weeks in Eastport using his antique photographing equipment to take unique images for his collection. I was lucky enough to be asked if I wanted to stage a shot. In the image I am chopping out a carving with a hand adz. I had to stand perfectly still for a long time while John's camera, which was set up on a tripod captured the image. The image was printed on tin from a tin can. This process took a while to complete also.  Now I said it was an antique, this camera was similar to the type used in the Civil War. That is old.

Great Horned Owl 2021

Although most of my sales are between $85.00 and $185.00, I do get commissions for larger pieces. Here is a nice Great Horned Owl carving I made in the summer of 2021. The wings are open, and the talons are exposed. It is shown mounted on a stump, but this was just for ease while I painted it. Finished, the owl will be suspended from the ceiling. Man, there was some painting done on this carving.  

An image of my display room. Please note the size of most of my pieces. This size works well with the tourists that enter CROW TRACKS Wood carving studio. Most visitors are tight for space while on vacation and many tight for space in their home. This size also works well when I have to fill online orders and have to ship the carving. Smaller is better.




Photos by Roland LaVallee , Barbara Barrett and Anthony Grandazzo 


Site Established May 1999         Updated February 5, 2023

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